
5、I love you not because I need you. 我爱你并不是我需要你。 6、The colour of a sad, sad haunted, sadness and me company. 泛着忧伤的色彩,悲伤萦绕,忧伤和我作伴。 7、Delay is the deadliest form of denial. 拖延其实就是最彻底的拒绝。 8、I'm just a pris...

9. What care should I take after the vaccine shots? After receiving the vaccine shot, you need to stay in the observation area for 30 minutes at the site of vaccination an...

Beijing Health Kit (Jian Kang Bao) mini-app for people from outside the country will soon have a new feature of printing the COVID-19 vaccination certificate, which foreign nationals may access after taking the second dose. Q9Do I need to wear a ma...

「I need you」由主唱 - 介作词作曲,以自己的角度创作出了一段爱情故事,讲述一对相爱的恋人,男孩在一次次无知与莽撞中伤害了女孩的心,最终失去守护着他的这个女孩,在后悔遗憾的心情下,渴望着能改变,希望可以回到最初美好的时候。 这首全新单曲 12 月 13 日全网上线,12...

NPC《I NEED A DOCTOR》 不同于之前公开的快节奏主打歌《创新者》,《I NEED A DOCTOR》是一首温情慢歌。歌词讲述少年自我剖析和成长的过程中,自我疗伤,自我治愈,沉淀从而遇见更美好的自...

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